Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New York State Education Department’s Document Showcase

The New York State Archives provides a wide variety of archives and records management publications for specific audiences such as researchers and genealogists, records managers and archivists, students and teachers, state and local government officials, as well as for the general public.

The Civil War In honor of the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War, the New York State Archives presents its latest edition of Document Showcase. Document Showcase is a regular feature that highlights a topic from State history using records from the New York State Archives.    http://www.archives.nysed.gov/education/showcase/index.shtml.

Remembering World War I the New York State Archives holds a plethora of records pertaining to the role New York played in the Great War and has placed many of them online with accompanying lessons. The website is comprised of more than 350 historical records that are grouped by topics. The topics are interesting and varied, including: Animals, Children, the Armenian Genocide, Army Health, African Americans, In the Trenches, Homecoming and Memorials, Industry, and much more. Teachers can use this site to incorporate primary sources into classroom instruction. A "Build Your Own Worksheet" option offers teachers the ability to customize a lesson. Teachers may use the lesson provided, or write in their own caption, historical background information, and questions; then print out the lesson with the document.  http://www.archives.nysed.gov/projects/wwi/index.shtml

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Its Legacy As a reaction to the March 25, 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, New York State formed a Factory Investigating Commission to inspect and examine the working conditions in factories and businesses in all the major cities in the state. This web exhibition highlights the Commission’s investigation and its impact on the development of laws for workers, including women and children. http://www.archives.nysed.gov/exhibitions/triangle/fic_triangle.shtml

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Posted by: Jim Fargione
District Lead Teacher for Instructional Technology
Three Village School District